
SOLO BOOTH C10 Nina Holmes The fear and embarrassment of obsolescence makes for a civilization that is not civil but instead one that is hardened to any body or thing that is deemed worthless and has thus become irrelevant to societal functioning. My current body of work deals largely with the notions of uselessness, irrelevance and invisibility surrounding both people and inanimate objects


Counter Current – group exhibition


Understood in scientific arenas, the concept ‘countercurrent’ refers to an exchange common in nature but mimicked as a mechanism in industry and engineering, describing the oppositional flow of two different properties, creating a crossover. Concurrently, to work within a counter current is to embrace and integrate difference and flexibility. As such, Counter Current is informed by an understanding of adjustment, amalgamation,

Counter Current – group exhibition2020-08-06T14:34:13+02:00

OUR STORIES – group show


To tell our stories is an offering of love, a chance to meet and connect and most of all to share. To acknowledge, honour, celebrate and bask in womxn’s month, Eclectica Contemporary hosts a womxn’s group show in our womxn-run gallery. Entangling and intertwining the complexities and simplicities of identity, environments are created and explored. Recognising power and representation, this exhibition hopes

OUR STORIES – group show2020-08-06T14:34:58+02:00

KWAAI Vol.2: group exhibition


KWAAI Vol.2 Despite the negative connotations that the words ‘coloured identity’ conjure, the artists exhibiting at Eclectica have chosen to celebrate this culture with the hope of creating a positive awareness of its diversity. This exhibition hopes to contribute and reinforce positivity towards change in our coloured community. We wish to highlight the rich contributions of coloured people,

KWAAI Vol.2: group exhibition2020-08-06T14:35:13+02:00

KWAAI: group exhibition


KWAAI An Exhibition on Coloured Identity “Contrary to what Shakespeare's Juliet famously opined —‘What's in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet’ — I believe that names and labels do matter, especially when it comes to the politics of identity and how we perceive (or, perhaps

KWAAI: group exhibition2020-08-06T14:38:12+02:00


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