Latitudes Art Fair 2020


Latitudes Art Fair 2020 Latitudes Art Fair 2020 is now live and Eclectica Contemporary is excited to show works by Ofentse Seshabela, Nina Holmes, Hussein Salim and Ley Mboramwe. Latitudes is your new online market space to explore and buy contemporary art from Africa.  With a constantly changing, curated selection of art from the continent and the diaspora,

Latitudes Art Fair 20202020-08-17T17:09:44+02:00

FNB Johannesburg Art Fair


Eclectica Contemporary | FNB  Johannesburg  Art  Fair Each of the artists we have chosen utilize their own individual techniques to convey commentary on the world as they experience it. Hussein Salim, a Sudanese artist, uses motif and repetition to illustrate his understanding of spiritual, social and environmental instances – often invoking symbolism as a means of communicating cultural ritual and mythological

FNB Johannesburg Art Fair2020-08-06T14:39:16+02:00


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